Winter fuel payment: We spend it on holidays, say some pensioners

How to Spend Holidays Sober

After all, it’s named the theme park capital of the world for a reason. With Universal Orlando Resort, Disney World, and SeaWorld at your disposal, you can fill your days with a sense of wonder and adventure. A vacation may be an excellent opportunity to reconnect with yourself.

How to Spend Holidays Sober

Addiction Relapse Prevention Tips For The Holidays

The pressures of gift-giving, hosting guests, and family dynamics can be overwhelming. In these moments, it may feel tempting to turn to substances as a coping mechanism. The holidays aren’t just filled with parties, Santa, and Aunt Betty’s famous fudge.

  • Winter holidays like Christmas, Hanukkah, Kwanzaa, and New Year’s Eve may involve stress, which for people in recovery, can be a trigger.
  • When you give back, we switch from thinking about yourself and your issues and gain perspective on the bigger picture of what others are going through.
  • I suffer from alcohol use disorder (the National Institute for Health’s preferred term), colloquially known as alcoholism.
  • Behavioral addictions, such as gambling addiction and shopping addiction, can also be triggered during the holiday season and frequently co-occur with drug and alcohol use issues.
  • Knowing how you’ll deal with difficult situations in advance won’t just make things easier; it will also limit your holiday stress.
  • Find some quiet time each day for relaxation and meditation—if only for a few minutes, no matter how busy you are.

The rise of bleisure stays: a growing travel trend

The Maldives, a tropical country made up of 1,000 coral islands, is the perfect destination for anyone looking to relax and soak in some Vitamin Sea. Some alcohol can be found on the tourist islands, sober holidays but it is otherwise hard to come by due to the Maldives being a Muslim country. Chasing the adrenalin that comes from a new experience or a thrilling physical activity induces a natural high.

Have a Holiday Party Plan

  • Throw a couple of kids into the mix, plus a pet or two, and you have a recipe for a super meltdown.
  • Bring your own or select a festive nonalcoholic option and have an exit or even escape strategy if you start to feel anxious.
  • Visit Al-Anon’s holiday link for details on the Al-Anon phone bridge.
  • For most of my adult life, I loved traveling and drinking in equal measure.
  • Maybe you need a few minutes to meditate before going to bed.

They’re also jam-packed with time-strapped travel, stress, and high expectations. Not everyone has a family or friends to be with during the holidays, a time of year when particular focus is put on socializing and spending time with loved ones. Getting through the holidays sober can be a challenge, particularly for people in early addiction recovery. Here are some tips and resources for preventing or responding to addiction relapse during the holiday season.

Be mindful of what you’re drinking—and thinking

How to Spend Holidays Sober

These can include deep breathing, mindfulness, and quiet meditation among other things. Make a list of the triggers that you’re most likely to encounter. Set firm boundaries for what you will and will not do, and find a clear and direct way to turn unwanted offers down.

How to Spend Holidays Sober

ways to have a sober holiday

  • Therefore, it is important to counter these false images of perfection and remember that every family has issues and to have some acceptance of family flaws.
  • An intensive outpatient or basic outpatient program can match your schedule, so you can receive support while keeping up with your plans and responsibilities.
  • It is also a fun night for many adults, who may celebrate by throwing a party that involves drinking alcohol or using drugs.
  • The holidays can make it tough to stay sober, especially with all the parties and get-togethers where there’s usually alcohol around.
  • You exist outside of yourself, and you begin to notice all the blessings your life already contains.

Having a plan will help you stay focused on your desired outcome – staying sober during the holidays. Your support system is there to help you when you’re struggling. So, make sure they are available during the holiday season. Having your support system on-call can help you get through the tough times and maintain your sobriety. Schedule time for attending 12-step or other support meetings before or after holiday events.

How to Spend Holidays Sober

Support Helplines And Chats For Addiction Recovery

How to Spend Holidays Sober

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